
I have an olive tree in my yard. Right now there are little baby olives growing. These are about the size of a tic-tac. You can't eat them right off the tree because they're very bitter. They have to be cured. How, you ask? Here's a good website about curing OLIVES.
Personally, I like to mix a solution of vodka and vermouth, then skewer two or three olives onto a small wooden or plastic stick (toothpick works great.) and soak the olives in the solution. Gradually decrease the amount of solution over a short period of time. When solution is gone, the olives are done! :-)


franko said…
wow, are olives really that easy to make? that sounds great! niçoise are my fave, along with kalamata. and, of course the good ol' green-with-pimento you find at the bottom of your martini glass.
: )
jen said…
D: I like your method and will try it myself after 2 pm. I hear one must wait until 2 pm for it to work on some socially dictated level.
franko said…
hey, OMC has been here!

where have you been, gern? i thought i'd check in. (taking a break from my weekend immersion in the new harry potter book. gotta come up for air, finished or not! i'm not done yet, but i'm getting close....)

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