The Changing of the Title.

I’ve had this Photo Blog since 2005. At first I had a little stage fright at the thought of lighting up my own pixel on the information super highway. After awhile I realized This blog was just a hi-tech version of magnets and a refrigerator door. I’m not very consistent with my posts but it’s still fun to keep a photographic journal. When my wife and I went on our 2 year assignment to France I started the photo blog Eye See France in addition to this blog. The idea was to have one blog for Photography and the other for the Europe experience and it worked well. After we got home I combined the two blogs.
Aside from Photography I enjoy working with Photoshop. So I started messing with the title art a few years back and now I change it when get an Idea or get tired of the old one, or both.   Which is now.  So let me update the archives.
Eye See France Title Art.
Cork T
The first BC title Art.
large title good
The second BC Title Art.
Title First pass
Current BC Title Art.


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