The cover of another. . book!

My prolific and talented Cousin Carolyn has written another excellent book. It's a cozy mystery about the murder of a teacher. Although Carolyn had dismissed my offer to proof-read it as "probably counterproductive"  she has allowed me to do the cover art. 
I urge you to check out her books. This one and many of her others are available on Amazon:

When we first collaborated on this I suggested a black board and Carolyn pointed out that they haven't used "black" boards in years. Ok, a white board then. Then I thought "a white board ought to be easy to photograph."  Not so much. White gives you no refuge to hide your mistakes. 

Me - Very hard at work.

I love doing this.


Carolyn J. Rose said…
I have a vision of you chanting, "Out, out, damned spot," and stalking the halls at midnight.
Can't wait to see the next cover.
Dorion Rose said…
The human eye can detect between 450 to 500 shades of grey between black and white. I now truly appreciate the phrase "thats a grey area". Thanks boss.

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